WHAT is Accent Modification?
Accent Modification refers to the reduction of foreign accent features while an individual is speaking English.​
The program will strive to improve an individuals Standard American English.​
WHO benefits from Accent Modification?
- Teachers
- Business Professionals
- Managers
- Foreign-Born Individuals
- Multi-Language speakers
- Public Speakers
WHY Accent Modification?
- Increased confidence
- Improved pronunciation of Standard American English
- Foriegn Accent Reduction
- Improved Communication
WHAT program is used during the Accent Modification Program?
The Compton P-ESL is the program used by Steps To Speech therapists when working with an individual who would like to reduce a foreign accent. Trial studies have reported that most individuals who complete the entire Compton P-ESL program, with notable effort from the individual, will notice an improvement of 50-80% in the reduction of a foreign accent in their speech.

HOW is the program designed?
The Compton P-ESL program is between 13-15 weeks, with a single 1-hour session per week. Each program is specifically designed for the individual based on his/her speech patterns.
The first week is comprised of a 'baseline' assessment to determine the most foreign accented sounds within the individual's speech. The therapist then calculates which target sounds will be addressed within the program's therapy sessions in order to attempt to reduce the presence of a foreign accent.
Sessions can be completed online through recordings (client records their portion on a MP3 file and sends file to the therapist, then the therapist records her portion of the lessons and sends files to the client) or over the phone. During the final week of the program a 'final' assessment is completed to determine the level of improvement.
Please view the Compton P-ESL website at www.ajcomptonpesl.com, or contact us for more information about the program.

Please utilize this FREE short assessment tool in order to determine if Accent Modification therapy may be appropriate for you!
Results will be emailed to Steps To Speech directly.
Call now for more information
(909) 573-4982