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- Produced with relative ease and less tension
- Flowing
- Smoothing
- Continuous
- Relatively rapid
- Normally rhythmic
- Does not contain excessive amounts of word or phrase repetition
- Contains prolongations (audible and nonaudible)
- Contains sound/part word/whole word/phrase repetitions
- Contains audible blocks
- Contains frequent pause breaks
- Rephrasing or restarting multiple sentences
- Speech contains numerous filler words/interjections (i.e. 'this, that, um, uh,' etc)
- Physical concomitants (i.e. facial grimaces, grouping)
- Development of secondary behaviors (i.e. clicking, rocking, lack of eye contact)
Defined: Fluent speech is smooth, relatively easy and flowing. Nonfluent or stuttered speech is effortful and contains excessive dysfluencies.

​Characteristics of fluent speech:


Characteristics of nonfluent speech:
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